First Name
Last Name
When are you hoping to shoot?
This doesn't need to be specific — I'm not looking for "Next Tuesday at 5:45," that'll come later. Right now I'm just trying to get a sense of whether you're looking to schedule within the next couple weeks, couple months, couple years, etc.
Where do you want to shoot? Indoors or outdoors? Your home or my studio? Remotely or in-person?
I'm located in Anchorage, Alaska. I have a studio space downtown, I'm happy to come to your home, happy to travel if you cover my expenses, and I also offer remote photoshoots (over the phone) anywhere in the world. No location or type of shoot is better than any other!
Why do you want to shoot with me?
Interpret this however you want: why do you want to shoot specifically with me, Forrest — or why do you want to do a naked shoot in general?
How comfortable are you being naked?
Is this a totally normal thing for you? Way outside your comfort zone? Somewhere in between?
Have you ever been photographed naked before?
If yes, what was the experience like? If no, what makes you want to do it now?
Does nude photography feel inherently sexual to you?
There's not a right or wrong answer to this — to me naked bodies aren't inherently sexual, to some people they are. Are they to you?
On a scale of demure to explicit, how sexual do you want these photos to be?
There's really, really, *really* not a right or wrong answer. These photos can be whatever you want them to be. If you want them to be as nonsexual as the Empire State Building or the Parthenon we'll shoot your body like archeticture; if you want photos of you masturbating or fucking your partner or sticking a bullwhip up your ass that's fine, too. Again, this isn't binding and can change in the moment — I'm just trying to get a sense of what you're looking for, because "naked pictures" is an extremely broad label that means different things to different people and even different things to the same people on different days or in different moods. (If you're not sure yet, that's fine, too.)
Is this booking for just you, or will there be multiple people in the shoot?
Having multiple people doesn't increase the price — feel free to bring along anyone who wants to come! Friends, lovers, roommates, your whole coven! If it's going to be more than just you, what's your relationship? Are you looking for a romantic shoot or a platonic one? Are you just roommates, or *just roommates*?
Do you want these to be kept 100% private, or are you potentially open to certain images being shared with your permission?
Your answer here DOES NOT lock you into sharing anything and I'll never ever use any image without your permission. You'll always be in control of who sees anything we take.
Are there parts of your body you especially like or dislike?
Are there parts of your body you'd prefer aren't shown in photos?
Do you have concerns of what your friends, family, or partner will think about you doing a shoot?
Do you have any physical limitations I should know about?
All bodies are so so welcome! I just want to make sure we tailor the shoot to your needs and keep you as physically comfortable as we can!
Do you have any triggers I should know about?
My work is built around making a safe space for you to express yourself however you want to express yourself. If there are things I can do (or not do!) to help facilitate that safe space, I want to know!
Is there anything I didn't ask that I should have?
Or anything you want to tell me or ask me before we schedule?